Vendor Managed Inventory System

Vendor Managed Inventory

Always stocked and Ready

Motor City Electric Co. utilizes a Vendor Managed Inventory System (VMI). VMI effectively streamlines our supply chain and procurement processes while improving financial performance. Through data tracking, VMI automatically replenishes any material we need within our prefabrication shop. 

Inventory provides a worry-free and productive environment for our workers. The prefabrication process can require repetitive amounts of material. The VMI system assures our workers that all parts and pieces will be available when they need them. 

Prior to the start of the prefabrication process, all necessary materials are identified, picked, and scanned. When the inventory on any material within that prefabrication plan reaches a preset minimum count, an order is auto-generated, processed, and the material is shipped to replenish the workstation where it will be needed (before it is needed). This coordinated process allows us to always be stocked and ready to execute any job regardless of the magnitude.

Fire Suppression Prefabrication

Vendor Managed Inventory Cycle

Always Prepared for your next project.
